Question to the European Commission

Dear Eur. Commission,

As an economist I ask if the Eur. Comm. is planning to do anything about the democratisation worldwide? I would say, the core issue here would be the problem of irrigation. As I have read, a 2016 study found that countries whose agriculture depended on irrigation are more likely to be autocratic than other countries. The authors of the study "argue that the effect has historical origins: irrigation allowed landed elites in arid areas to monopolize water and arable land. This made elites more powerful and better able to oppose democratization."

Eine Studie aus dem Jahr 2016 ergab, dass Länder, deren Landwirtschaft von Bewässerung abhängt, eher autokratischer sind als andere Länder. Die Autoren der Studie "argumentieren, dass der Effekt historische Ursprünge hat: Die Bewässerung ermöglichte es Landeliten in Trockengebieten, Wasser und Ackerland zu monopolisieren. Dies machte die Eliten mächtiger und besser in der Lage, der Demokratisierung entgegenzutreten."

Source/ Quelle; Wikipedia and 
Bentzen, Jeanet Sinding; Kaarsen, Nicolai; Wingender, Asger Moll (2016-06-01). "Irrigation and Autocracy"Journal of the European Economic Association: n/a–n/a. doi:10.1111/jeea.12173.ISSN 1542-4774.



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